
Empire total war save editor
Empire total war save editor

empire total war save editor
  1. #Empire total war save editor full#
  2. #Empire total war save editor zip#

authority : authority value (editable for Rome2) subterfuge : subterfuge value (editable for Rome2)

empire total war save editor

traitPoints : traitsPoints that still can be placed (editable for Rome2 and Shogun2) rank : 0-based, means: 0 = rank 1, 1 = rank 2. type : character type (for Rome2 only non-colonel-type characters will be displayed) arrayIndex : array number -> character is located in "CHARACTER_ARRAY - " enter the facton array index of the faction the characters shall be displayed The 'parse' button will be enabled if the savegame file is loaded select the savegame file you want to parse click in menu 'file' the menu item 'open savegame'

empire total war save editor

set movememt points for all characters' and armies' (units) of a faction for the present turn (Rome2 only) complete running (must run at least for one turn) research projects for a faction (Rome2 only) * strength- replenish or reduce armies (including garrisons) for a faction (Rome2 only) Empire (tables: character, faction, region) Napoleon (tables: character, faction, region) Shogun 2 (tables: character, faction, region) Rome 2 (tables: character, faction, region, province, army, diplomacy, unit) Supported Total War games and selectable tables: Depends on the computer specification of course.

  • If preforming actions (like set movement points and change unit strength) that modify many values, the saving of the savegame may last longer.
  • rankings higher than 9, movement points in million's range or unit max size in thousands, I do not assume responsibility.
  • There are some basic plausibility checks implemented in this tool, but if entered unreasonable values e.g.
  • This tool works for all versions for all supported games. If Shogun2 is mentioned then the base game "Shogun 2" and extensions "Rise of the Samurai" and "Fall of the Samurai" are also meant. If Rome2 is mentioned then the base game "Rome 2" and extensions "Caesar in Gaul" and "Hannibal at the Gates" are also meant. It would be nice giving me reputation, if you think this tool is somehow useful. Meanwhile this tool has extended to a little editor. This tool displays various tables with array numbers and additional information that helps you to identify the wanted array. I cant find a way to cheat on this either.If you want to edit your Total War savegame file with EditSF, it's a kind of time intensive to find certain entries in their ARRAY container Don't say (or type) anything at all!!!Thanks p.s. So once again, doeveryone a favor if you cant say something nice. I can honestly tellyou i would never ever want to be your friend, if you treat those who ask for your helpwith such disgusting disdain, and reckless disregard for that individual person or people.Please, even if habitual cheaters make you feel angry or disgusted, just try to maintainsome semblance of integrity and respect which is a sign of maturity. ) i don't know what gives people theright to verbally abuse other people who are simply asking for help. It isn't wrong or abnormal, it issimply a playing preference or a way to stop being frustrated when you cant beat thesystem (i.e.įrench troops beating you every time. If some people like cheating they should not have to betalked down to by those who choose never to cheat, i personally like, and enjoy feelingpowerful, and video game cheats are a way to do that. You know you shouldseriously consider growing up. Man people can be really mean online when they are not face to face. The load menu will now contain lots of save games of the fullcampaign but starting with huge amounts of cash.

    #Empire total war save editor zip#

    ) double click on the 'empire - gold rush saves.zip' file a folder called 'savegames'will appear.10) drag the 19 different save game files from the extracted zip into the savegamesfolder inside the preferences folder.11) start playing empire. ) you will see a folder called 'appdata' inside you should see a folder called'savegames'.9. ) start the game to the pre game options panel.6. ) copy the empire - gold rush saves.zip to the desktop.4. ) open contents - resources - data - data3. ) right click on the application and select show package contents.2. There aresaves for most major countries included.1.

    #Empire total war save editor full#

    The pc version did not have any cheats, in fact even the debug test version was cheatfree.However to help our faithful total war players we hid some save games in the game data.They are at the beginning of the full campaign but you start with a ton of cash.

    Empire total war save editor